Power Pak Program
M25 POWER PAK PROGRAM will begin Friday, October 14th! Your child will be bringing home a BLUE bag home with food for the weekend for them. Please return the bag and the insulated bag back to school by Thursday of the next week. That way we can fill your bag and give it back to you again. Thank you.
If you would like to have your child receive a "Power Pak" bag, please contact me at 518-943-5890.
Our program is not government funded and is funded entirely through the generous gifts of individuals, the Fortnightly Club, The CES Business Club, the Northeast Regional Foodbank and the Athens Generator Plant.
For more info... please contact me Patti D at 518-821-7298.

Angel Wings
Matthew 25 Food Pantry provides assistance to our elderly. It is difficult for our senior citizens to get out, especially during the winter. A lot of them are disabled and do not have transportation so we decided to go to them. Matthew 25 now delivers food to our clients that are unable to come to us. Please call to see if you qualify!

Birthday Bags
The Matthew 25 Food Pantry does not like to see a child celebrate a birthday without something special. To address this need, Matthew 25 stocks Birthday Bags for children. When the Director interviews the family, she inquires about the age of the children and if they will soon be celebrating a birthday. When the client goes to pick up their order, they are given a Birthday Bag for that child celebrating his/her birthday. The supplies for a Birthday Bag are: Cake Mix, Frosting, and Candles. We also include the plastic ware, napkins, cups, tablecloth, balloons and a birthday present.

Sick Bags
With this long winter a lot of our clients got sick. We decided to put together some "Sick" bags. It's a little gift to help them out for a few days. Our bags consist of: Tylenol, Cough Drops, Hand Sanitizer and Kleenex. We also keep OTC allergy medication on hand just in case.

Backpack Program
Every August, Matthew 25 hands out Backpacks to all school age children in grades Pre K through Senior year that are in need. We want every child to be able to start school just like everyone else. Inside the backpacks we put school supplies that the children will need. The supplies are: Pens/Pencils, Erasers, 3 Ring Binders, Composition Books, Ruled Paper, Pencil Box, Glue, Scissors, Markers and One and Three Subject Notebooks. Every child should go to school with dignity.

Personal Hygiene Bag
Matthew 25 puts personal hygiene items into Ziploc Bags. We give these to our clients when needed. Our bags minimally consist of: Soap, Toothpaste and Toot​hbrush, Dental Floss, Shampoo, Conditioner and Deodorant.​​

Thanksgiving Baskets
We at Matthew 25 want everyone to be able to sit down with their families and have a nice holiday meal. So our volunteers start planning in October for the holidays. We at Matthew 25 set up a special day and give out "Thanksgiving Baskets." Our clients receive everything to cook a nice turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Right down to the cranberry sauce! When I finally sit down to enjoy my Thanksgiving dinner, I am at peace knowing the people we served will be having the same dinner as us.

Christmas Baskets
This is Matthew 25's favorite time of the year... Yes, its a lot of hard work for us all, but we love it.
We set a special day in December, just before Christmas and invite those in need to come down. We have bags of food already for them to take home for their families. The bags consists of Hams or Turkeys and all the trimmings for a very nice Christmas Dinner. But that is not all, our clients are able to "shop" for their families. We set up the clothing room with tables of brand new clothes for the children, women and men. We have a table set up with Christmas Toys for the children as well. Parents can pick out gifts for themselves and their families at no charge. Its a wonderful time of the year.