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Here we celebrated our
10th Year Anniversary!
Thank you to ALL our volunteers! You are the best of the best! Matthew 25 is successful because of YOU!
I cannot THANK you enough!

Matthew 25 Food Pantry is a 501(c)3 non for profit food pantry. We are a community-based program that collects and stores food to distribute free of charge to low income families and individuals.
At Matthew 25 Food Pantry we offer our community an effective and preplanned approach of handling emergency food assistance to those in need.
It is no surprise that everyone is feeling the pinch by the economy right now. Gas prices are on the rise. Jobs are hard to come by and food prices keep going up
Many families are working at low paying jobs, they might have an unexpected emergency arise during the month or an illness occurs...for families without health benefits that can wipe out an entire month's income!
Matthew 25 provides a safety net for our community. Because of the recession more people are relying on food pantries than in recent times - including more and more "middle class" people.
Matthew 25 provides a three-five day supply of food to families and a one day emergency supply where needed. We share our love with members of the community with people who are less fortunate and who need a helping hand during these times.
The Matthew 25 Food Pantry is not subsidized by any government program, but as an agency partner with the Northeast Regional Food Bank in Latham, we are able to purchase discounted food each month.
We are so grateful for the food drives and the charitable donations which frequently appear at just the right time to help meet our needs.
There are no paid staff and all charitable donations help in meeting the expenses of providing for food, clothing, personal hygiene and household goods. Without your help, we couldn't help others. Thank you.
Matthew 25

My name is Patti Dushane, I am the Executive Director and Founder of Matthew 25 Food Pantry. I live in Catskill, New York 12414. I am a Third Order Secular Franciscan. While I was in prayer, during the Lenten season in 2008, God let me know that He wanted me to open a food pantry. After some discernment, I decided to begin. We use to work out of a small three room apartment that I had but then the Lord, God had moved me to a "bigger" place.
We had moved to 298 Main Street in Catskill, New York 12414. After being there for approximately a year, we had a fire, and lost everything. But, even a fire does not stop the Lord's work. The good people of our community came to the rescue and helped us get back on our feet. We worked day and night to get back open! We are now at our new location of 8 Union Street in Catskill. We serve ALL of Greene County and anyone else that God sends. I have the full support of my family and would like to "Thank" my husband, Stan and my two children, Chrissy and Beau, for supporting me and assisting me whenever I need them. I couldn't do it without them!
Board Members:
Judy Dushane
Michelle Shanley
Tom Berry
Diane Dunn
Jim Henry
Maria Rothrock
Lynne Benson
Dan Coughlin
John Dushane
Heather Karch
Elizabeth LaClair
Holly Brantley.
Melody Coughlin
Judy Dushane
Tricia Madera
Joshua LaClair
Gina Berry
Tim Dabrowski
Stanley Dushane
Stephanie McCulloch

Volunteers are the "Backbone" of any organization. I am the luckiest person to have such wonderful, dedicated volunteers! They work faithfully and give their all to their community! Nobody gets paid and they work long hours on weekends and holidays. I couldn't do it without you!
Thank YOU for all you do!